Who We Are
Jesus is our saviour
For God so loved the World that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life
Our Story
There UAAC church was founded by Bishop Paul MATSEA Mureri and he was ordained in the month of June 27 ,1915 by Rev P.L Leruck and elected president on the 26 of January 1918. The United African apostolic church is about extending the kingdom of god by establishing mission schools, local churches and uplifting the communities we are in amongst other deliverables.
We are about promoting unity amongst members of the UAAC and other churches. To also bring development, edification and maturity to believers. Such as to organise such denomination for the spread of the word of God and the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in those parts of Africa and in the entire of Africa. Whereas the above ministers and layman have seen, and still see with deepest Christian anxiety, the deplorable spiritual and mental condition of our people who inhabit such districts above referred to including Africa in general, which the word of God declares shall be lighted up with the glorious rays of the “sun of righteousness”, and whereas we further remember with deep emotion the last command of our ascending Lord,”
Go ye into the world and preach the gospel to all nations” and desiring to show our Love by our obedience, We therefore resolve hereby to constitute ourselves into a distinct denomination with various congregations situated in various colonies to have and enjoy the free use and benefit of all premises acquired on behalf of the said congregation for rendering effectual the trusts created by purchase of grants, gifts, denominations, device, legacies, bequests, or trusts, made to or in favour of the said people who are members of the said denomination or those who have come under the jurisdiction of this denomination without distinction of race and colour.
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Our team
Third generation of bishops, spiritually chosen by his honourable mitshelo ya u thoma D Mureri, the youngest and last born of the founding father of the only Uaac church in Ha Miriri.






Our Gallery
Meeting with Dr Motshega and the honourable professor D Mureri at the Kara heritage institute.